Teaching- Learning and Evaluation
Student Enrolment and Profile
Average percentage of students
from other States and
Countries during
the last five years
Number of students from other states and countries year wise during last five years
List of students
(other states and countries) 2018-19
Average Enrolment percentage
(Average of last five years)
Average percentage of seats filled
against seats reserved for various categories as per applicable reservation
policy during last five years
Number of actual students admitted
from the reserved categories year wise during last five years
Link of relevant Document |
Catering to Student Diversity
The institution assesses the learning levels of the
students, after admission and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
Institution ensures the overall
assessment of students after admission through various means. After admission
students have to go through various tests and exams for assessment as per
academic calendar. Institute organizes internal exams and tests as per academic
calendar provided by Director, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of
Chhattisgarh. These internal exams includes Unit Tests, Half yearly
examinations and Pre final examinations. Question papers in these internal
exams are prepared and assessed by concerned subject teachers of the
institute. Mode of the exam is written. In addition to that, informal
discussions and oral questioning are involved in classes and home works given
to students helps us in assessing the learner. Based on the performance on
various modes of assessments throughout year, advance learner and slow
learner students are identified. Advance learners are encouraged to
participate in various competitive examinations. Extra classes are organized to support slow learners.
Student- Full time teacher ratio (year- 2018-19)
Link for relevant
Percentage of differently abled students (Divyangjan) on rolls (current year data)
Number of differently abled students on rolls
Teaching- Learning Process
Student centric methods, such as
experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving
methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences
ensures learning experiences be student centric.
Teachers involvement and motivation helps
students to enhances skills such as interactive learning, frequent use of
ICT, collaborative experiences. It also helps in experimental and
participative learning on individual basis and enhances problem solving
capabilities. It anchorages students to foster the exploration and team work
are following student centric methods are used in the institution -
Practical Classes
- Students are involved in practical classes as per their syllabus. Subjects
such as Chemistry, Zoology, Botany and Geography have practical classes and
they help students to develop scientific temper.
Project Work – At
postgraduate program M.Sc.(Botany) 2nd semester, students have to participate in project
work as part of syllabus.
Dissertation –
Postgraduate program M.Sc. (Botany) also have Dissertation as part of
Field Work – At
Undergraduate program, First year students have filed work exercise in
Environmental Studies.
In addition to
that classroom activities involve tests, debates, questionnaires to involve students
in enhancing knowledge.
Discussions –
classroom discussions and informal discussions will help in overall
development. This provides opportunity to advance their communication skills and critical
Smartphone as ICT
tool – As the institution has less computers, we emphasize on usage of
Smartphones, as ICT tool in classroom teaching.
Lecture method –
This is the most frequently used way of conducting teaching learning in this
institution. Classroom discussions are main part of the methodology, which
aims to motivate students and help them in build understanding on the
concerned topics.
Percentage of teachers using ICT
for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), E-Learning
resources etc.
(year 2018-19)
of teachers using ICT
Ratio of students to mentor for
academic and stress related issues (Year 2018-19)
Year wise list of
number of students, full time teachers and mentor/mentee ratio
Link for relevant document
Innovation and Creativity in
teaching- learning
Creativity and innovation are crucial part of teaching
learning processes. To ensure this, institution has taken several approaches.
Dialogue and discussions in classroom are important in maintaining innovative
and creative minds and motivate students to take serious steps toward
critical and analytical thinking to develop new ideas. Use of internet,
computer, Smartphones and other ICT facilities facilitates the students to
expand their knowledge. Surprise tests, Powerpoint presentations, video etc
are frequently used to engage students to enhance their knowledge. The
Students and faculty are exposed to advanced level of knowledge and skills by
organizing Short lectures. To promote searching and investigating in new
field students are encouraged to participate in field work and classroom
group discussions.
Teacher Profile and Quality
Average percentage of full time
teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
Year wise full time teachers and sanctioned posts for 5years
Link – List of Full Time Teachers
Average percentage of full time
teachers with Ph. D. during the last five years
of full time teachers with Ph. D. year wise during the last five years
Teaching experience of full time
teachers in number of years (current year data)
Total experience of full-time teachers
Name and Number of full time teachers
with years of teaching experiences
Percentage of full time teachers
who received awards, recognition, fellowship at State, National,
International level from government, recognised bodies during last five years
of full time teachers receiving awards from state/ national/ international
level from Government recognised bodies year wise during last five years
Average percentage of full time
teachers from other States against sanctioned posts during the last five
Number of full time teachers from
other states year wise during last five years
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